October is the designated month to build awareness for many causes, and since 2015, dyslexia is one of them. If you’re like me – every month is dyslexia awareness month. Every day is dyslexia awareness day. When you’re both a...
If you need inspiration, here it is. I love this! “Find your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses …” And prove wrong those who say you can’t!
Below are a number of resources that will help you learn and understand more about reading challenges caused by dyslexia. The featured image is Ben Foss making a TEDx presentation in Sonoma, California. Videos #Dyslexia411 This is a short video...
True confession 1: When my son’s schoolwork didn’t seem to match the intelligence of the kid I knew and loved, I thought he was being lazy. Homework was such a battle. Excuses. Tears. He’s just not applying himself, I thought....
This one is very common – an outright unwillingness to say the “D” word, or even a declaration that it’s the disability that must not be named. This nugget above came from a Freedom of Information Act sweep in Arkansa’s largest...
Trust your instincts. You see the whole picture – your child at home and at school. You know her struggles. She frets at homework, seems unable to read the same word she’s seen just seconds ago, skips or replaces small...
Ahh – accommodations and the frequent misunderstanding of their purpose. The statement on this graphic came amid commentary that because a child did not demonstrate comprehension issues on standardized assessment tests, he must no longer have decoding issues and therefore...
If the question is – “Would you rather your child be in a classroom with her peers or learn to read?” What’s your answer? This isn’t an all or nothing question, and I’m certainly not suggesting denying a child access to...
I’m starting a new awareness campaign based on some of the bad info many have heard about dyslexia at schools – whether in IEP meetings, conferences, 504 meetings or in casual conversation. Armed with the facts – parents can better...
In a perfect world – all teachers would have more than a superficial – or myth-filled – understanding of dyslexia. Sadly, however, too many of even the very best teachers do not know much about dyslexia. But please, there’s no...