In this excellent 15-minute video, Kelli Sandman-Hurley, Ed.D., from the Dyslexia Training Institute very quickly and thoroughly touches on so much important information about dyslexia – especially the importance of intervention. It’s one of the first videos I share with those who need to know more. The video is part of a YouTube series of videos on the Embracing Dyslexia channel.
Once they do get that intervention, everything changes. The child changes, the school experience changes, the family dynamic changes because that stressor is gone. Now that they know what is going on. – Dr. Kelli Sandman-Hurley.
Dr. Sandman-Hurley is also the author of Dyslexia Advocate, which is an extraordinarily valuable resource as parents embrace their role as advocate for their children’s special educational needs. I had the fortunate opportunity to train for advocacy certification with her and Tracy Block-Zaretsky through the Dyslexia Training Institute.